Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mumbai update from the Boston princess...

Dear Mom,

As you know ive been roughing it out in Mumbai for the past 7 months and i thought i should give you an update since my ability to take your calls lately isnt that great. I totally owe you one being that you call me back even if its for the stupidest thing at any hour of the morning. Sometimes i wonder if i would be this diligent if i ever had kids...such a scary thought, me take care of a kid? BAD IDEA.

Anyway, so as predicted it wasnt an easy journey and yes since i am making less than 5000 dollars a month i dont really know if its that rewarding an experience especially since my job doesnt really involve curing cancer or helping hungry kids in ethiopia (though i tell people otherwise). I mean you raised me to be a awesomely materialistic person, so i wanna see the moolah ASAP! Its definitely an interesting situation to be in though, i mean i decided to do this so im resilient to make it work. The thing that gets to me the most is that i have an hour and a half (unpleasant) journey each way and once i get here i have to bust my ass like there is no tomorrow. I love working hard so its not really that that's the issue, its just that im used to telling things like it is, like i say "i dont have alot of work" when i dont, which here translates to ..."Please give me more work so i can stay here till its dark outside and rapists are on the prowl."

Its weird. I want to complain about things like this guy at work is such an asshole or i cant chat at work at all, but i think all those issues go out the window when i see the barrage of breasts looming in front of my face as i "dive to survive" out of a 7pm Virar fast local train. Its crazy the kind of clarity you get when you are like should i jump out of the moving train and lose a limb or two or should i wait till it stops and die in a stampede of hairy, fat, smelly women all of who insist they are first class material.

No, mom, dont worry obviously i dont jump out of a moving train, i usually just close my eyes, say a little prayer, scream BOMB!!!!! and jump out of the train as i get manhandled more than i would in a men's lockerroom by, did i mention, HAIRY, FAT, SMELLY women.

Everyday gives me a new story to tell and another life changing experience. I've seen the light so many times in the past seven months that now i wonder if its just low BP.

I'll keep you posted mom. I love you.



Unknown said...

Tis trueeeeeeeee this poor girl gets sooooo nervous it is hilarious yet I am proud of her daily leaps and shrills while traveling on the western railway.


Bombay BaNtEr said...

Thanks jojo! God knows i couldn't do it without you leading the way!!!:D

Prachi Patel said...

you are blogging now? that was cute and funny and kinda depressing at the same time! when are u writing me a letter or an email....its due

Bombay BaNtEr said...

ITS COMING!!! Maybe if you called me more often and didnt ask me for LETTERS!!!! WE HAVE INTERNET IN INDIA. RACIST!

PS: How bad is nach baliye dude...we need to discuss!!!
I love you.

Prachi Patel said...

i call you more often than u call me bitch! lol what is that all about

hahha omg nach baliye is ridiculously bad and i still watch it...the judges suck so bad, i forward when they start talking

Mee said...

"Barrage of breasts"?! I know many who would love this idea:-)