Monday, February 4, 2008

ओह मई गव्द

मैंने यह अभी अभी दिस्कोवर किया है। यह कितना कूल है मुझे समजः में नहीं आ रह है में क्या क्या और कर सकती हूँ अभी।

Things are finally coming together....

As the title suggests after living alone in Mumbai for almost a year now, I feel like things are finally coming together. Dont let this fool you, I still get a stroke everytime I get a phone bill (WTF is with roaming charges here.. dear lord!!!) and keeping my checks from bouncing because the signatures NEVER exactly match (we're not Robots HELLOOO!!) is nearly impossible. But overall things are falling into place and I have a cook who knows his way around my kitchen, a maid who vaguely realizes her responsibilities and transport to and fro from office has become something I cant care to whine about anymore.

Yet, I still feel a disconnect when it comes to a number of things. Over the last few weeks a number of my college pals from Boston U (WOOOOOT BU!!!) have been coming down to visit me. Its so great to see them and talk about stuff like the Superbowl and Taco Bell. I never realized how much I missed the life I used to lead. I know if I left Mumbai I would feel the same about Mac home delivery and Bollywood. Thats where the problem occurs. Being a third culture kid really kills you because you really dont know where you want to be. Please dont confuse this with an identity crisis, I know who I am, I just dont know where I feel complete because no matter where I am there are things and people that I miss elsewhere.

Its almost impossible for me to ever imagine a scenario where I can have all the people I truly care about in the same country. Last year I came really close when my peeps from BU came down to visit the enchanted land of India and so I had the perfect mix of my desi and phirangi friends. Its weird because even though they have been raised in completely different parts of the world, all my friends have character traits that make them extremely similar. They all know that they want to achieve and be independant in life, and they know that cut throat assholegiri is probly not the best way to do it. They value honesty, loyalty and have a GREAT sense of humor. You could tell the likeness between them when the reunion of all my friends happened last year and they got along like long lost buddies within minutes.

I love that I have had the opportunity to see so much of the world so soon and I truly cherish all that I have learnt because of this exposure. It really saddens me that journeying through the world keeps you away from those you love most, but then again thats how you meet people who you will love as much as you miss the others.