Monday, February 4, 2008

ओह मई गव्द

मैंने यह अभी अभी दिस्कोवर किया है। यह कितना कूल है मुझे समजः में नहीं आ रह है में क्या क्या और कर सकती हूँ अभी।

Things are finally coming together....

As the title suggests after living alone in Mumbai for almost a year now, I feel like things are finally coming together. Dont let this fool you, I still get a stroke everytime I get a phone bill (WTF is with roaming charges here.. dear lord!!!) and keeping my checks from bouncing because the signatures NEVER exactly match (we're not Robots HELLOOO!!) is nearly impossible. But overall things are falling into place and I have a cook who knows his way around my kitchen, a maid who vaguely realizes her responsibilities and transport to and fro from office has become something I cant care to whine about anymore.

Yet, I still feel a disconnect when it comes to a number of things. Over the last few weeks a number of my college pals from Boston U (WOOOOOT BU!!!) have been coming down to visit me. Its so great to see them and talk about stuff like the Superbowl and Taco Bell. I never realized how much I missed the life I used to lead. I know if I left Mumbai I would feel the same about Mac home delivery and Bollywood. Thats where the problem occurs. Being a third culture kid really kills you because you really dont know where you want to be. Please dont confuse this with an identity crisis, I know who I am, I just dont know where I feel complete because no matter where I am there are things and people that I miss elsewhere.

Its almost impossible for me to ever imagine a scenario where I can have all the people I truly care about in the same country. Last year I came really close when my peeps from BU came down to visit the enchanted land of India and so I had the perfect mix of my desi and phirangi friends. Its weird because even though they have been raised in completely different parts of the world, all my friends have character traits that make them extremely similar. They all know that they want to achieve and be independant in life, and they know that cut throat assholegiri is probly not the best way to do it. They value honesty, loyalty and have a GREAT sense of humor. You could tell the likeness between them when the reunion of all my friends happened last year and they got along like long lost buddies within minutes.

I love that I have had the opportunity to see so much of the world so soon and I truly cherish all that I have learnt because of this exposure. It really saddens me that journeying through the world keeps you away from those you love most, but then again thats how you meet people who you will love as much as you miss the others.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Identity Crisis...


Dude, you really need to get your ass down here asap! It's insane how many things remind me of you and how i wanna be like.. Whoa... did that seriously just happen?! I know thats not hard for you to believe being that you've seen some seriously weird stuff go down ever since we were kids!Anyway, things are good here, same ol same ol you know. Never a dull moment!:)

Have you noticed how in India, every two min there is some insane festival going on. Yes, i said festival, im officially a FOB. It's weird how so many things i say or do are considered white, when on the other hand when i was in the states and said "thrice" people looked at me like i was from another planet..(read Asia)

Ok, back to where i was going with this, so everytime i leave home in the morning ready to take on my crazy trip to work i get stuck in traffic and insane dancing and noise at 7:30 am in the morning. Yes, for all the white people reading this, india is not exactly how you see it in Bollywood, and no, everytime we are happy or sad we dont break into dance with 20 perfectly choreographed dancers and remixed background music.

Those are Punjabi's and God knows i love them for it.

So, the other day i go to this place close to work to grab a bite with a couple of my colleagues. Yes i took more than 45 min for my lunch break, so sue me. Anyway, it was one of those days where you realize being sober at work really wasnt going to cut it, so i made sure we hit a place with awesome Sangria. If you have to do it, do it right, you know?

So i ran in, aviators et al, looking for some kickass service and atleast three drinks. I figured out what i wanted to eat in less than a minute, i mean who's thinking food?! The weirdly over enthusiastic waitress skipped over and asked us what we wanted. Without giving anyone else a chance to answer i screamed SANGRIA!!!! (to the tune of 1-2-3 TEQUILA!!!) and then she slapped me.

Well atleast it felt like that because she told me it was a dry day. What the hell is a DRY DAY?!?!?! $%$#^@$#%#$%

About ten mins later, the time it took me to recover, i asked her... WHY GOD WHY (yes, im ladylike, subtle and not at all appearing to be an alcoholic). She then proceeded to tell me that it was Tulsi Vivah and that no alcohol was being served around the country that day.

Now im thinking, how would you tell a white guy that he isnt getting no booze because of this festival? (In an american accent --> ) "Hello sir, there is this plant called TOOOOOLSEEEEEE and well its getting married today. So to celebrate this awesome wedding we're gonna NOT serve drinks at a WINE CAFE'. Oh yeah, what would you like to eat? Cheer up, we still offer ICE TEA!!!"

I tried convincing the evil newsgiver to spike my ice tea but she wasnt going for it. So i figured carbs cure all sorrows right? I ordered a large fettucine carbonera and decided to call it a day!

I love you!!!



Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mumbai update from the Boston princess...

Dear Mom,

As you know ive been roughing it out in Mumbai for the past 7 months and i thought i should give you an update since my ability to take your calls lately isnt that great. I totally owe you one being that you call me back even if its for the stupidest thing at any hour of the morning. Sometimes i wonder if i would be this diligent if i ever had kids...such a scary thought, me take care of a kid? BAD IDEA.

Anyway, so as predicted it wasnt an easy journey and yes since i am making less than 5000 dollars a month i dont really know if its that rewarding an experience especially since my job doesnt really involve curing cancer or helping hungry kids in ethiopia (though i tell people otherwise). I mean you raised me to be a awesomely materialistic person, so i wanna see the moolah ASAP! Its definitely an interesting situation to be in though, i mean i decided to do this so im resilient to make it work. The thing that gets to me the most is that i have an hour and a half (unpleasant) journey each way and once i get here i have to bust my ass like there is no tomorrow. I love working hard so its not really that that's the issue, its just that im used to telling things like it is, like i say "i dont have alot of work" when i dont, which here translates to ..."Please give me more work so i can stay here till its dark outside and rapists are on the prowl."

Its weird. I want to complain about things like this guy at work is such an asshole or i cant chat at work at all, but i think all those issues go out the window when i see the barrage of breasts looming in front of my face as i "dive to survive" out of a 7pm Virar fast local train. Its crazy the kind of clarity you get when you are like should i jump out of the moving train and lose a limb or two or should i wait till it stops and die in a stampede of hairy, fat, smelly women all of who insist they are first class material.

No, mom, dont worry obviously i dont jump out of a moving train, i usually just close my eyes, say a little prayer, scream BOMB!!!!! and jump out of the train as i get manhandled more than i would in a men's lockerroom by, did i mention, HAIRY, FAT, SMELLY women.

Everyday gives me a new story to tell and another life changing experience. I've seen the light so many times in the past seven months that now i wonder if its just low BP.

I'll keep you posted mom. I love you.
